Overhead shot of two roads surrounded by green trees, heading towards a bridge over a lake

With growing awareness of the transport and logistics industry’s environmental impact, many businesses are exploring how they can alter their existing practices to create a more sustainable supply chain.

Improving environmental practices has obvious benefits for our planet, but doing so can also attract new business partnerships with socially conscious organisations who prefer to only work with companies that match their environmental ethics.

In this article, we outline some tips for improving efficiencies and creating a more sustainable supply chain.

Enabling Sustainable & Green Logistics

Set Long Term Goals

Successfully adapting legacy processes in line with your overall sustainability strategy can be a lengthy procedure, requiring comprehensive planning and a clear vision of what you want to change.

Pinning down the details of what you hope to achieve can help to split a complex strategy up into smaller, more achievable changes that are easier to implement.

Improve Fuel Efficiency

Analysing driver performance can help you identify small changes that can significantly reduce the carbon footprint of your business, such as:

  • Ensure that drivers are always taking the most fuel-efficient routes as possible to each destination, avoiding road works and unnecessary stops, through thorough route planning.

Find Eco-Friendly Packaging Alternatives

Switching to packaging made from more sustainable sources is one of the most straightforward improvements, and it can have a significant impact on supply chain environmental efficiency.

As interest in reducing plastic waste grows, new alternatives to plastic packaging are emerging every day. Review the packaging materials currently in use and explore reusable and recyclable packaging options.

You should also look at minimising the amount of packaging that each delivery requires in order to reduce overall waste production.

Invest in Staff Education

Staff buy-in is essential for the success of any new strategy, and education is a core component of this.

Develop a relevant training programme to make sure your key employees fully understand why changes need to be made, what changes they should expect to see and the vital part they all play in the overall success of the sustainability strategy.

Achieve Your Sustainable Supply Chain Goals with Transmode

Transmode supports clients across the UK and beyond in achieving their overall strategic goals, sustainability-focused or otherwise, through bespoke logistics consultancy and professional container haulage solutions.

Get in touch with our experienced team today to discuss your requirements.

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